Memeoke is a web-based application which simulates the offline karaoke experience by allowing users to sing their favorite songs online while infusing it with a contemporary twist by serving up memes and animated GIFs in the background that are contextually related to the song being sung. Users can also share their experience through the generation of a shortened URL which will lead other users directly to the song page on the Memeoke website, without having to navigate through the menus to get there.
The impetus for this project was the creation of a URL-shortening service that effectively emulated how existing URL shorteners such as currently work. Our team decided to go in a different direction though, as we felt that there could be so much more than URL-shortening in our application. We all agreed that URL-shortening is a great way to share creative content generated by users across the Internet, and one of the manifestations of this creativity has been the preponderance of memes and animated GIFs of trending topics in popular culture.
Following this train of thought, our team believed that creating a mash-up of these memes together with some form of audio, would be a great way to expand the entertainment factor of these animated GIFs and increase their virality, which would in turn make sense for URL-shortening to step into the picture to make the mash-up easily shareable. The natural by-product of our brainstorming around this area led to the idea of an application that combined memes with popular music, and Memeoke was born.
To implement the meme-karaoke mash-up, the following shows the breakdown of features that were initially proposed and what were eventually implemented in the application:
Synced Lyrics Demo Using LRC Files
"Select an Artist" Interface
"Song Playing" Interface